His & Her 

Are you someone who has experienced the “Pink Tax”? Are you wondering what the “Pink Tax” is? 

Research and Insight

The challenge was to think about a system that can be represented through a deck of cards. I thought about systems that had categories in it such as meal prep and exercise. But then I start to think about broken systems that we as society unknowingly accept. Which lead me to the The Pink Tax. The “Pink Tax” is gender-based price discrimination; where gender neutral items are marketed towards women at a higher price and conveniently coloured pink.


His and Her Prices is a deck of cards that illustrates the everyday gender bias in consumer goods. Meant to be played as a game to shock users into seeing how unjust and expensive it can be to be a female.

“Pink” cards hold a higher value forcing players to spend more of their money on the same product as the counter “blue” cards. Same product different prices because of gendered marketing.

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